Kamis, 03 Desember 2015

#11 Another Project Move On?

Mein schatz no more.
Cuek. Satu kata yang bisa menggambarkan tentang hubungan ini. Padahal baru satu bulan tapi dia sudah berubah, weirdo.

Yes. People does change. So, I must change too right?

Kalau emang dia sudah bosan, cara terbaik adalah dengan di cuekin (lagi).
Aku inget dulu dia suka sama aku karena aku cuek bebek.

Kenapa dia cuek? Sok gak peduli?
If the reason because now we're in exam week. I can accept it. I trully am. When she need help, I'm happily help her. But when I'm the one who need her help?
Know the answer?
Yes. She refused to help me. Damn!!! I want to punch her right to death.

Do I need to take the project move on again? I trully can move-on from my last crush in like 2 years. 2 years to change my feelings. Changing my "want to far relationship" feelings to "just-friend." with dot, I mean only friend, no more, no less. When I think I got the one who care about me. It's only my dream, my delusion. She just need my help. No more and no less.
Even I've threw away my bad habits. My old hobbies. For her.
And now I lost 'em. I lost most of my loved ones. Even my beloved Big-2 has gone. Miki and Luna. Rest In Peace my kid.

I love her and hate her in the same time. Do I need to stay for a while? Or just run?

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