Symbiote Showdown!
Spec Ops kali ini temanya Spider-Man, masalahnya tertuju pada sebuah proyek lain dari Green Goblin yang mengembangkan symbiote seed alias benih benih symbiote dari Venom. Venom yang menghasilkan keterunan dalam bentuk 6 benih yang akan menjadi Carngae, Scream, Phage, Lasher, Riot dan Agony.
Sementara itu Eddie Brock mantan -kasian yang habis diputisin pacar *eh- host dari Venom masih memiliki sisa symbiote itu didalam tubuhnya dan malah menyatu dengan sel darah putihnya sehingga terciptalah Anti-Venom.
Back to six seed, host dari symbiote Phage, Lasher, Riot dan Agony sudah dibunuh oleh Circle of 8 dan merekapun bergabung menjadi satu yaitu Hybrid, selain itu Goby juga membuat test subject baru dengan menggunakan peranan symbiote dan ini menarik perhatian Brock, sayangnya brock hanya peduli dengan membunuh symbiote dan hostnya jadi dia seperti mengamuk dan perlu ditenangkan terlebih dahulu.
And of course you need to complete 25 task to recruit him for free and the task is here :
1. Subject to Change
Cure For What Ails You - 1 of 25
- Defeat 5 Test Subjects
- Test Subjects can be found in all missions of Spec Op 18.
- Requires 5 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 100 for the Agent
2. Simulated Symbiote
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- Defeat Venom in Villain Archive
- Brush up on your symbiote-fighting skills before going out into the field. Venom can be found in the Villain Archive of the Simulator.
- Requires 5 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 1000
3. Fight the Cure
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- Defeat Anti-Venom
- Anti-Venom is a mini-boss in Mission 1: Parasite City.
- Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 100 for the Agent
4. Shifting Alliances
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- Defeat Vulture
- Sandman has located Vulture and is willing to help defeat him. Vulture is a mini-boss in Mission 1: Parasite City.
- Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 1000
5. Sibling Rival
Cure For What Ails You - 5 of 25
- Defeat Scream
- Scream is the boss of Mission 1: Parasite City.
- Requires 15 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 200 for the Agent
6. Developing a Cure
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- Research the Antiserum Bomb in the Lab
- Potential cure for the Test Subjects. Research the Antiserum Bomb to complete this task.
- Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: Antiserum Bomb
- Requires 40 UISO-8 and takes 8 hours.
7. Hybridization
Cure For What Ails You - 7 of 25
- Complete a Fight against Hybrid
- Hybrid can be found on the current Spec Op map.
- Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 10x Sandboxes
8. Live Bait
Cure For What Ails You - 8 of 25
- Use Spider-Man in combat 3 times
- Spider-Man is a Team-Up in multiple fights in Missions 1 and 2 in Spec Op 18.
- Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 100 for the Agent
9. Clean Slate
Cure For What Ails You - 9 of 25
- Defeat Anti-Venom in Mission 2
- Anti-Venom is a mini-boss in Mission 2: Search for the Cure
- Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: One Command Point
10. Versus
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- Fight 5 PVP Battles
- Fight 5 PVP Battles either in Tournament Fights or Practice
- Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 100 for the Agent
11. The Loud Sword
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- Create Sonic Sword in the Lab
- Research the Sonic Sword to complete this task.
- Requires 20 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 1000
- Requires 60 UISO-8 and takes 24 hours.
12. Finding the Cure
Cure For What Ails You - 12 of 25
- Use Anti-Venom in combat
- Anti-Venom can be found as a Team-Up in Mission 2 and Mission 3 of Spec Op 18.
- Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 100 for the Agent
13. Victory
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- Win 3 PVP Battles
- Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. PVP requires completing Chapter 1 Mission 4 of Story Mode.
- Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 1000
14. Contain the Crazy
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- Defeat Carnage
- Carnage is the Boss of Mission 2: Search for the Cure
- Requires 15 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 2000
15. Widespread Dispersal
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- Use 5 Antiserum Bombs against Test Subjects
- Use Antiserum Bombs in combat on the Test Subjects found in any Spec Op 18 mission.
- Requires 15 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: One Command Point
16. The Loudest Sword
Cure For What Ails You - 16 of 25
- Create Super Sonic Sword in the Lab
- Research the Supersonic Sword to complete this task.
- Requires 20 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 100 for the Agent
- Requires 80 UISO-8 and takes 36 hours.
17. Lethal Combination
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- Fight Hybrid 4 Times
- Fight Hybrid either on your own map or on your friends' maps for free. Hybrid respawns every 72 hours.
- Requires 5 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 200 for the Agent
18. Mission Accomplished
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- Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 2
- Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
- Requires 20 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 1000
19. Frequent Flier
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- Complete 5 Flight Deck Missions
- Send any hero on any flight deck mission.
- Requires 5 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 200 for the Agent
20. He's Got The Touch
Cure For What Ails You - 20 of 25
- Use Anti-Venom's "Cleansing Touch" in combat
- Use Anti-Venom's "Crusade!" in combat
- Anti-Venom can be found as a Team-Up in Mission 2 and Mission 3 of Spec Op 18.
- Requires 30 (15+15) Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 200 for the Agent
21. String 'Em Up
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- Create Net-Caster in the Lab
- Research the Net-Caster to complete this task.
- Task cannot be Auto-Finished with Gold
- Reward: 200 for the Agent
22. Sandstorm
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- Use Sandman's Pound in combat
- Use Sandman's Gathering Sand in combat
- Sandman can be found as a Team-Up in Mission 1 and Mission 3 of Spec Op 18.
- Requires 20 (10+10) Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 200 for the Agent
23. Broken Bonds
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- Defeat Hybrid
- Hybrid is the boss of Mission 3: Symbiote Showdown.
- Requires 15 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 5000
24. Special Operative
Cure For What Ails You - 24 of 25
- Complete 3 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Op 18 Missions
- Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
- Requires 25 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: 5000
25. Maddest Scientist
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- Defeat Green Goblin
- Green Goblin is the Epic Boss in Mission 3: Symbiote Showdown
- Requires 25 Gold to Auto-Finish
- Reward: One Command Point
Epic Boss kali ini adalah Goby dan hero yang dibutuhkan sebagai deploy untuk membuatnya muncul adalah Ms. Marvel (15 cp), Gamora (90 cp) dan Agent-Venom (135 cp) jadi totalnya adalah 240 cp. And so far I have 85 cp dan butuh Agent Venom artinya butuh 50 cp lagi ^-^) goldku bisa kugunakan untuk membuka another armory slot YAY!
Spec Ops kali ini memiliki cost deploy yang cukup rendah yaitu 240 sama seperti Daimon dan menduduki peringkat ke-2 setelah Emma.
Here's some tips of me to maintain the U-iso :
Kerjakan seperlunya dan liat task kedepan karena sampai research ke-3 tidak diperlukan star achiev kalian berjalan secara lambat saja, dan setelah sampai di research ke-3 barulah bintang 2'in mission 2 dan pergi ke mission 3 untuk mempersiapkan team-up Anti-Venom dengan begini akan sedikit mengirit U-Iso karena ada 4x task dan sementara waktu ini U-Iso belum drop dari visit friends jadi kalian harus sedikit menghemat,
Dan untuk mendapatkan star yang cepat kalian membutuhkan score yang tinggi dan score yang tinggi memerlukan high pair-up bonus juga jadi paka hero dengan pair-up tinggi seperti Hulk dan Beast atau Black Widow dan Hawkeye dan lain sebagainya, dan jangan sampai ada yang mati karena itu akan merusak score dan mungkin kalian akan butuh run tambahan, dan lakukan deploy selagi bisa karena ada chance juga untuk mendapatkan 1 sandbox.
Di SO kali ini ada sand man sebagai lockbox hero
And with that low cost there's something special yaitu no side task for Sandman ToT
Kalian hanya mendapat free 10 lb di task ke 6 dan setelah itu kalian harus mengumpulkannya dengan membantu teman kalian melawan Group Boss ataupun melawan group boss kalian sendiri SO ini berjalan 30 hari artinya kalian memiliki kesempatan mendapat 10x10 = 100 lbs(lockboxes) dari group boss kalian sendiri itu juga jika genap dan ini jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan taskmaster yaitu 30x5 = 150, selain dari group boss kalian juga bisa mengumpulkannya lewat deploy dan epic boss, misalkan minggu terakhir lockboxnya mulai seret dan coversnya belom lengkap coba trik seperti mengumpulkan Serum Sample di SO 17 kemaren yaitu :
Deploy -> Fight -> Ambil deploy -> abort -> ulangi ke step awal
tapi kalian membutuhkan Hulk (Mission 1) atau Captain America (Mission 2)
tapi walau begitu dropnya hanya 1 lockbox jadi butuh waktu lama pastinya karena mengumpulkan 15 Serum Sample aja susahnya minta ampun :v
Oke untuk sekarang segini aja dulu karena ini hanya basa - basi dan anyway
Good luck dengan SOnya guys ^-^)/p.s. There will be some tips fighting Hybrid di post selanjutnya
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